16th SRF, November 15-16, 2025
SRF is a fun and inclusive event that is proudly supported by the ACT Government. Enter now

Q: What time is the event starting?
A: A full schedule will be posted closer to the date

Q: Where is the event hub?
A: Stromlo Forest Park, Opperman, Stromlo.

Q: Is there on site parking?
A: In response to increased visitation and to help improve user safety, the ACT Government has upgraded University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park (UC Stromlo) carpark. The new carpark provides 487 parking spaces, including a free 15 minute drop off zone, motorbike parking, longer vehicle parking and accessible parking, more

Q: Are there amenities at the event hub?
A: Yes, there are bathroom facilities, showers and the Handlebar Cafe for light refreshments.

Q: Can we camp the night before?
A: There is no camping available on site. Nearest camp grounds is the Cotter Campground.

Q: Are there minimum ages to participate?
A: Yes. Check the age categories page HERE

Q: Are there cut off times for runners?
A: Yes.
2.5/5/10/15km: no cut off
30km: 6hrs

Q: Is this suitable for my kids?
A: Yes!
Children (accompanying adult optional) of all ages can participate in the 2.5km cross country.
Children 7-12 years can participate in the 5km with a registered adult.
Children over 13 years can participate in the 5 and 10km solo.

Q: Are there medals?
A: Yes! Everyone who finishes their event gets a medal, even the kids.

Q: Are there shirts?
A: Participants who registered before the cut-off day of June 30th 2025 receive a free event shirt. Shirts will be available for collection on event weekend. Uncollected shirt will be not be sent out and recycled.

Q: What number do I call if I have a problem with my registration?
A: Best to email info@stromlo.com.au

Q: Can I enter on the day?
A: No.

Thank you for your interest in the Stromlo Running Festival.