COVID Safe Info

COVID Safe Info

15th SRF, November 16-17, 2024
SRF is a fun and inclusive event that is proudly supported by the ACT Government

Pre-race Procedure

  1. Collect your bib from the mail. All bibs will be posted week commencing November 2
  2. Fill in the compulsory online health declaration form before event day. Link will be available week commencing November 16
  3. On race day, arrive no more than 30 minutes before your start wave time
    Do not attend if you:
    have a fever of ≥38°C
    have had any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days. Such as a new continuous cough, fever, change/loss of taste/smell
    you are positive for COVID-19
    you are waiting for a COVID-19 test result
    have been in contact with anyone who is sick (symptomatic) in the past 14 days
    have travelled within the past 14 days to any interstate or international location with widespread ongoing local COVID-19 transmission
  4. Keep 1.5m apart at all times
  5. Scan and complete the QR code on event morning using Check In CBR
  6. Collect your free shirt (included with rego before 11.59pm Aug 9th)
  7. Collect your pre-ordered RUNCUP (optional)
  8. Sanitise your hands with provided sanitiser at entry point
  9. Submit to health screen at entry point. Temperature check and questionnaire
  10. Collect your free SRF Buff
  11. Enter the event hub. Follow signs into staging zone. Proceed to start zone if your race is next
  12. Muster at start line on floor markings 1.5m apart, 5 minutes before race start
  13. Wear buff as face covering at start line
  14. Don’t worry be happy & SMILE!

As a condition of entry, all participants and event staff who enter the event site must submit to a temperature check and verbal health screen questionnaire in addition to the online health declaration form that is to be submitted before race day.

SRF is a registered event with the Check In CBRApp. We strongly recommend downloading this App and scanning the QR code on the event morning.

The event team have the right to refuse entry and may insist that anyone with COVID-19 symptoms leave the event and obtain COVID-19 testing as per health guidelines.

Physical distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene during the event

Upon entry to Stromlo Forest Park participants and event staff are asked to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 m where practical. Within the event hub we strongly recommend the use of your free buff as a face covering especially at the start line.

We request that participants refrain from unnecessary contact such as high fives or fist pumps and not closely run or walk side by side during the event.

Please frequently use the supplied hand sanitiser stations throughout the venue and on course.

Seek assistance immediately if you become unwell during the event – please locate event staff, or call the emergency first aid number 1300 663 600.

General information

Event briefings for this year are online only, we will have no briefings onsite at the event.

Start line
Marshalling at the start line will begin 5 minutes prior to each start wave. We will ask faster runners to line up first to also assist with distancing on course.

All participants will receive an individual time when they cross the start line. There will be no congregating at the start line for any extended period and no need to rush to start.

Aid stations
Aid Stations will be contactless served only by event staff wearing PPE. All nutrition is individually wrapped and will be provided to you by event staff. Please dispose of your rubbish at the aid station bin or carry it with you.

Unfortunately spectators are not permitted due to strict gathering size limits as approved by the ACT Government’s event protocol committee.

Finish line
Runners are encouraged to move through the finish area quickly and to maintain physical distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene.